Thursday, August 18, 2011


I have not forgotten about my coffee table project however, I have been saying that I was going to do something with my mom's old bookcase forever. So I figured I would start (and finish) that project first.
My mom had this bookcase for as long as I can remember. It was such a nice piece. However with time the knobs became dated.

And after being left in her old house with renters and being moved around and well just being old it acquired lots of dents and scratches. So when mom decided to sell the house. I brought it to my house with the idea of fixing it up. But life got in the way and it sat alone in the garage collecting dust :-(

When the movers came they asked if I wanted to take it. As dusty and as banged up as it was I did not want to part with it. I figured a little sanding and paint and it could have a new life.

So last week I went and bought myself a new sander (my old one died a sad death in Indiana-RIP Sandy the Sander) took the adjustable shelves off and started sanding. Right after I took these photos today I removed the doors and sanded them down.

I am hoping by next week to have the whole thing sanded down and the nicks and deep scratches filled in. I'll update then.

Love, Crissy


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